"modification of a software product performed after delivery to add functionality or features to enhance the usage of the product." "Note 2 to entry: “Additive maintenance” [...]
"anything that has value to a person or organization. " (ISO/IEC/IEEE, 25010). Besides, according to ISO/IEC 25010, "assets are work products such as requirements documents, source [...]
"modification of a software product, performed after delivery, to keep a software product usable in a changed or changing environment" "Note 1 to entry: Adaptive maintenance [...]
Thefore, software artifact also "means any work-product that is the outcome of a process used to create the final software product." (Borque and Fairley, 2014).
It refers to issues related to testing activities impacting internal quality. Some examples of Test Debt items are: lack, insufficient or inadequate tests, low test coverage, [...]
It refers to isues encountered in the architecture of software products. These are sub-optimal architecture solutions, impacting internal quality. Some examples of Archicteture Debt items are: [...]