
Glossary Terms "A"

Total of 9 found.

Additive Maintenance

"modification of a software product performed after delivery to add functionality or features to enhance the usage of the product." "Note 2 to entry: “Additive maintenance” [...]


"degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which it is possible to assess the impact on a product or system of an intended change to one or [...]


"anything that has value to a person or organization. " (ISO/IEC/IEEE, 25010). Besides, according to ISO/IEC 25010, "assets are work products such as requirements documents, source [...]

Amount of debt

The amount of debt is used to refer to the rework costs (principal and interest )that is needed to improve the levels of quality.

Acceptance criteria/levels

"The exit criteria that a component or system must satisfy in order to be accepted by a user, customer, or other authorized entity."

Adaptive Maintenance

"modification of a software product, performed after delivery, to keep a software product usable in a changed or changing environment" "Note 1 to entry: Adaptive maintenance [...]

(Software) Artifact(s)

Thefore, software artifact also "means any work-product that is the outcome of a process used to create the final software product." (Borque and Fairley, 2014).

(Automation) Test Debt

It refers to issues related to testing activities impacting internal quality. Some examples of Test Debt items are: lack, insufficient or inadequate tests, low test coverage, [...]

Architecture Debt

It refers to isues encountered in the architecture of software products. These are sub-optimal architecture solutions, impacting internal quality. Some examples of Archicteture Debt items are: [...]