
Glossary Terms "S"

Total of 10 found.

SE Technologies

The "SE technology" can be considered as any method, technique, tool, procedure, or paradigm used in software development or maintenance, following the definition of Pfleeger (1999).

(Measurement) Scales

Scale refers to "Ordered set of values, continuous or discrete, or a set of categories to which the attribute is mapped." (ISO/IEC 25040-1:2011) "EXAMPLE Types of [...]

Static Code Analysis

"Static techniques involve analyzing documents and source code but not executing thesoftware." (Borque and Fairley, 2014) Therefore, static source code analysis is a systematic activity for [...]

Software Product

"set of computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and data." "NOTE 1 Products include intermediate products, and products intended for users such as developers and [...]

Sofware Risks

"Software technical risk can be defined as a measure of the probability and severity of adverse effects inherent in the development of software that does not [...]

(Software) Artifact(s)

Thefore, software artifact also "means any work-product that is the outcome of a process used to create the final software product." (Borque and Fairley, 2014).

Software Maintenance

"Modification of a software product after delivery to correct defects, to improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified environment." (IEEE14764, [...]

Software Evolution(Evolving)

Software evolution/evolving is a fact in software products' lifecycle. According to Sommerville (2020) software evolution refers to "accommodation of perfective, corrective and adaptive maintenance, which may [...]

Service Debt

It refers to the inefficient use of the software services required for a software product. An example of Service Debt item are an inadequate selection and/or [...]

Strategic TD

Strategic TD items results from deliberate (intentional) decisions whose incurrence is known by the development team. Strategic debt decisions are associated to the required time (long-time), [...]