
Glossary Terms "P"

Total of 5 found.

Present Value

In the financial domain, present value refers to the current value of an investment or amount of money, which it must be paid or received in [...]

Perfective Maintenance

"modification of a software product to provide enhancements (3.1.7) for users, improvements of information for users, and recording to improve software performance, maintainability (3.1.6) or other [...]

Preventive Maintenance

"modification of a software product after delivery to correct latent faults in the software product before they occur in the live system." (ISO/IEC/IEEE 14764:2002)

Principal of TD

In financial domain, principal refers "an amount of money that is lent, borrowed, or invested, apart from any additional money such as interest" (Cambridge Dictionary). In [...]

Prudent TD

A prudent TD item results from deliberate (intentional) decisions whose its incurrence is known by the development team. Besides, a prudent TD can be considered strategic [...]