
Glossary Terms "I"

Total of 5 found.


"a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person" or "an effect or influence." (Cambridge Dictionary) In the context of software risk management, impacts refer to the severity of potential loss of [...]

(TD) Interest Probability

In the financial domain, this concept is used to express the probability of interest rates increasing or decreasing, due to the occurrence of some event in [...]

Interest of TD

The existence of TD leads to investing efforts into rework and extra work in the future. In TD context, the interest of TD is related to [...]

Internal Software Quality

According to ISO/IEC 9126-1, internal software quality "is the totality of characteristics of the software product from an internal view. Internal quality is measured and evaluated [...]

Intentional TD

This classification concerns the context of the occurence a TD item. Intentional TD occurs when the team members consciously decide to delay or not accomplish some [...]